P. Helen Kumary1 and G. Meerabai2*

1Department of Botany, K.V.R. Govt. Degree College, Kurnool - 518004 (India) 2Department of Botany, Rayalaseema University, Kurnool - 518002 (India) 1phelenkumarydl72@gmail.com and 2guddetimeerabai@gmail.com


As there were no earlier allelopathic studies on Paddy. We selected this study to conduct in fields of Paddy crop variety “BPT 5204”, a very popular crop among farmers and consumers in Kurnool district.The studyrevealed Digera muricata (L.) Mart. of Amaranthaceae as a dominant weed in selected crop fields. The results were analyzed bystandard deviation method and graphical representation given to the germination rate, growth of root and stem on 3rd, 5th and 7th day of the experiment. Allelopathic effect studies of aqueous extracts of root, stem and leaf of Digera muricata found no effect on seed germination. But they shown progressive decrease in root length and shoot length when crops were exposed to increasing concentrations.

Key words : Allelopathy, Dominant weed. Allelochemicals, Aqueous extracts, Seed germination, Root & Shoot growth.

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