Status of mushroom production in the world and India
*R. Ramalakshmi and **C. Namesh
*Department of Economics, **Department of Computer Science S.T. Hindu College, Nagercoil Affiliated to Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Abishekapatti, Tirunelveli – 627012 India
The last 20 years have seen a very rapid increase in the global mushroom sector due to the introduction of newer types of mushrooms for commercial growing. Even Nevertheless Indian consumers do not regularly consider mushrooms to be vegetables. Because the states per capita land holding is falling, mushroom cultivation is a beneficial option for the cultivators. This research examines the global trend and expansion of mushroom cultivation, particularly in India. The global mushroom production during the last two decades has grown at an average yearly growth rate [Mean] of 26.9393 million tonnes. At 25.0269 million tonnes, Asia has the highest average growth rate, followed by Europe at 1.34409 million tonnes. Oddly, despite significant changes in China over the past 20 years, the average growth rate of fresh mushroom production has remained consistent at 24.3195 million tonnes compared to 0.0689 million tonnes. It shows that mushroom output has been rising globally at a compound growth rate of 7.34% and in India at an 8.51 percent rate, respectively. The trend coefficients show a positive and significant trend in mushroom output globally and in India at the five percent significance level. The trend coefficient for global mushroom production is 0.068, whereas the trend coefficient for Indian mushroom output is 0.063. There are several strategies to grow the mushroom industry in India, such as improving farmers’ technical support, making funding more accessible, expanding the availability of high-quality spawn, creating a marketing structure, promoting mushrooms in new regions, setting up storage facilities, and building institutional capacity. To increase mushroom production and public awareness campaigns, the government should start more extension efforts.