Multidimensional approach of Ayurveda in management of Morbid obesity- A case report
1Shivakumar and 2S Suryanarayanan
1,2Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunateshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan. Karnataka - 573201 {India} 2Corresponding Author Email- Contact- 8825421833
Sthoulya {Obesity} has been a burning epidemic for decades. Due to lifestyle changes, improper diet patterns, and decreased involvement in exercise, the obesity rate is increasing worldwide. Globally, at least 2.8 million population die each year as a result of being obese, and an approximate rate of 35.8 million {2.3%} of global DALYs are causedby overweight or obesity[7]. A 37-year-old gentleman had been suffering from a range of obesity symptoms like rapid weight gain and associative complaints such as constipation, bloating of the abdomen, difficulty in breathing, frequent coughing, loss of appetite, and heaviness of the body. Gradually, he noticed that within 5 years he reached 157 kgs of weight because of his poor diet and lifestyle. The treatment protocol had been planned with Udwarthana for 16 days, utsadana for 16 days, lekhana basti as yoga basti and Takra Basti for 10 days. Along with internal medications, the patient followed a specific guru atharpana {non-nourishing therapy} diet that is low in calories and increased fibre. Yogic asana practices and physical therapies {Vyayama} help to increase calorie expenditure and increase fat metabolism. A multidimensional approach of Nidana parivarjana, including Shamana, Shodhana, Pathyahara sevana, Vyayama, and behavioural therapies, has significantly reduced BMI of patient and other associated symptoms of obesity.